
About Us

We are a rockstar team we helps you to find best hair cut of this niche. Please subscribe us for latest update.

Our story

In 2019, Sabbir hosen, our Editor-in-Chief, took notice that people began to browse the web, instead of magazines, for their next hair style, cut or color. As a hairstylist, she saw a great opportunity to start her own online hair magazine. Partnering with salons, stylists and beauty experts around the world, we showcase today’s latest hair styles, cuts and colors, as well as provide expert advice on hair care, products, tutorials and tips.

We’re very thankful and humbled by the influence we have to over a million women each and every month. We hope you love our site and we value your feedback. You can always reach us by emailing sabbir@rambc.com.

Nature Lovers

One Touch Of Nature Makes The Whole World Kin

One Touch Of Nature Makes The Whole World Kin

I am Mr. Sabbir

There will be many other things.

Stay with us. thank you.

Our editorial standards


We aim to provide high-quality, expert-driven content that is helpful to everyone. We do this by holding ourselves to a high standard for what we publish and how we publish it. Your hair is as important to us as it is to you. Providing helpful and accurate hair advice, photos and product recommendations is important to us.